2021 Finn World Masters in Medemblik is cancelled

2021-03-26, Finn World Masters

It is with great regret that the Finn Masters Committee and the FWM2021 Organising Authority have to announce that this year’s Finn World Masters in Medemblik has been cancelled.

The Dutch government press conference on March 23 left little option other than to cancel the event for the second year running.

Further to that, it is not allowed to organise any event in The Netherlands until at least May 9, and a 5-day quarantine remains in place for all arrivals until at least May 15. Furthermore the local authorities in Medemblik will not give a permit before the 20th of April to organise any event.

Together with the rising COVID 19 figures in Holland and all actions taken in the surrounding countries, the situation does not look promising.

It would be unfair on both organisers and sailors to expect everyone to plan to attend when there are restrictions in place that would have normally cancelled the event up to at least May 15. Even if events turn out for the best that is a six-day window between not knowing the event can take place and knowing that something can happen. Further, even if permission was granted, the event would be severely restricted in terms of numbers allowed to sail, no gatherings, no visitors at the regatta centre, no socials and few, if any, bars and restaurants open.

Any Finn sailor who has entered and paid will be contacted by FWM2021 and receive a refund. Please contact info (at) fwm2021.com in case of problems.

The Finn World Masters President and Committee would like to wholeheartedly thank Chris Frijdal and his team for all the work that went into organising another Dutch Finn World Masters that didn’t happen. It is a great shame that we have had to cancel the event two years running.

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