MS v Cadizu - 2. den

2003-09-19, Cintl Václav, jr.

Včera pokračovalo MS v Cadizu dvěma rozjížďkami. Michal Hrubý k tomu napsal: "Včera jsme ujeli dvě rozjížďky a na vodě strávili 8 hodin.V první rozjížďce jsme jeli 4x nahoru a cil byl ještě k tomu dole. Druhá rozbila o jedno cele kolo kratší. Michal je zatím celkové 20 a včera si stěžoval ze mu to na zaďáka nešlo a ztrácel. Já jsem 40 a včera jsem jel dvě vyrovnané rozjížďky 36, 37. Vítr byl opět celkem silný (14 - 25 uzlů). Večer jsme toho měli oba dva dost.

Včerejšek nejvíce sedl Emilosu Papathansiouovi (GRE 6), který dojel druhý a třetí a celkově se již posunul po totálně zkažené první jízdě na celkovou 11. pozici (se škrtáním odhadem 2.). Dále se vyznamenal i domácí borec Rafael Trujillo (ESP 100), který s rozjížďkami 1, 5 poskočil na druhou příčku ,a Jonas Hoegh-Christensen (DEN 200), který včera zasek šestku a dvojku a je v jasném vedení. Na bronz se posunul hlavní favorit Ben Ainslie vyrovnanými dojezdy 7, 8. Jeho hlavní soupeř v této sezóně Sebastian Godefroid (BEL 7) se propadl na čtvrté místo.

Originální reportáž od Roberta Deavese z oficiálních stránek závodu (v originále):

The second day of the Finn was proof of the depth of the class, with two more race winners, more upsets and several new faces at the front of the fleet.

In a healthy breeze between 12 and 15 knots, local favourite Rafael TRUJILLO (ESP) led throughout to win the first race. Andrew SIMPSON (GBR) managed the same feat in the second race of the day with a good lead on the following pack.

Racing on the same course as the Ynglings, the Finns sailed on a shorter than usual outer trapezoid course with 3 outer loops and an offwind finish.

Race three

A cloudless sky, brilliant sunshine and a 15 knot breeze greeting competitors for the third championship race. After a two hour delay while the race committee set, shifted and reset the course, racing finally started at 13:55 after one general recall. The pin end was favoured and as far away from his favourite committee boat starting position as he could be was Emilios PAPATHANSAIOU (GRE) who won the start followed by Jonas HOEGH-CHRISTENSEN (DEN) and Andrew SIMPSON (GBR). The other favourites were positioned further up the line.

The majority of the fleet headed for the favoured left hand side of the course, while a small bunch headed to the right. Most of the boats went left on the second beat as well and at the top mark Rafael Trujillo led from Stefan de VRIES (NED), Sander WILLEMS (NED), Kristian ADERMAN (SWE) and Richard CLARKE (CAN). Hoards of boats overstood the windward mark, causing great problems for those rounding it and setting off on the run. In particular class president Philippe Rogge (BEL) who had to negotiate a long stream of reaching starboard tackers while doing turns for touching the mark. Favourites Ben AINSLIE, Mateusz KUSZNIEREWIZ and Sebasien GODEFROID were all buried in the chasing pack.

Rafael extended his lead on the final legs to win by a comfortable margin. At the final windward mark he was followed by a group of three - Emilios PAPATHANSIOU (GRE), Waclaw SZUKIEL (POL) and Kristian ADERMAN. However at the finish Karlo KURET (CRO) had worked his way up to third and Waclaw had slipped down to 10th. Ben Ainslie as usual was working his way up the fleet making a late charge and finished in seventh place behind Jonas and Jaap ZIELHUIS (NED). It was a good race for the Dutch team with three boats inside the top 12.

Race four

The start of the second race was almost of copy of the first, with Emilios again winning the pin end start from Gaszton PAL (HUN) and Rafael TRUJILLO (ESP). Most of the favourites were down the pin end or just slightly up the line. Initially, Emilios led the fleet to the left but most tacked within 2-300 metres to cross to the right. By this time the right was looking better and round the first mark Andrew Simpson (GBR) emerged with a good lead ahead of Guillaume Florent (FRA), Rafael TRUJILLO, Jonas HOEGH-CHRISTENSEN (DEN), Emilios and Ismael BRUNO (FRA).

The sailing conditions were near perfect, with 15 knots of breeze and good surfing waves downwind. Andrew held onto and extended his lead on the next round and led a bunch of five boats that had broken away from the pack. Jonas, Emilios, Guillaume and Rafael dutifully followed Andrew round the course to the finish. As on previous beats virtually the whole fleet had pegged left and also as per usual a large majority, including some who should know better, ended up cracking off to lay the windward mark.

Overnight, positions have changed so that Jonas HOEGH-CHRISTENSEN is in the lead followed by local Rafael TRUJILLO and defending champion Ben AINSLIE in third. Yesterday's leader, Sebastien Godefroid (BEL) had an indifferent day to score a 17th and 11, to end up 4th overall. Likewise David Burrows (IRL), second after yesterday scored two 18ths to drop to 5th overall. A ninth and a first moved Andrew Simpson from 21st to 9th, while a 2nd and a 3rd moved Emilios Papathanasiou from 25th up to 11th.

One of the most colourful characters on the Finn circuit, Luca DEVOTI - who won the Silver medal in Sydney - retired from the regatta, claiming the end of his Finn racing career due to old age! He said "I am too old for this anymore, I'm 41 next month and I can't race anymore. It hurts too much. But I still really enjoy the boat so I will just join the coaches." He continued, "I will still sail the boat, as it4s so beautiful to me, but only for training."

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