Nový prezident IFA

2005-08-17, Cintl Václav, jr.
Těsně před zahájením Mistrovství Evropy ve švedském Kalmaru proběhla výroční schůze finařské asociace. Na ní byl novým předsedou ustanoven Maďar Dr. Hajdu Balász, který je dobře znám i v Čechách. Na finu závodí již 15 let a zúčastnil se i dvou olympijských regat. Následuje zápis z této výroční schůze převzatý z (v angličtině).

During the Finn AGM which took place Sunday 7th of August in Kalmar, Sweden, the IFA council has elected Dr Balazs Hajdu at the presidency of the Finn class.

Balazs has been sailing the Finn for the last 15 years and represented Hungary at the last two Olympic Games. Lawyer since 2001, he is also a member of the ISAF Constitution Committee and a board member of the Hungarian Yachting Association.

The Executive Committee includes Michele Marchesini (ITA) newly appointed as Vice-President Development. The other positions remain unchanged with Ali Enver Adakan (TUR) Vice-President Sailing, Martijn Van Muyden (NED) Treasurer, Richard Hart (GBR)Technical Committee Chairman, Robert Deaves (GBR) Marketing Committee Chairman, Corinne Rolland-McKenzie (FRA/AUS) Secretary and Executive Director.

Clifton Webb is the IFA development coach. His work will be especially concentrated in the Asia-Pacific region.

The AGM voted for the next European Championships to be in Palamos in Spain in 2006 and Spartacus Sailing Club in Balatonfoldvar, Hungary in 2007.

Minutes of the AGM will be circulated at a later stage.

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